

I have been creating a few animations and am starting to learn about web development. There wasn't a centralized place to show off all my work. In addition, if I am to use it to show off my work, I can use it to place my entire CV and background to show off to others.



I looked into popular ways that developers are creating static sites while using ReactJS. Time and time again Gatsby kept popping up as a recommendation and seemed to be a perfect fit for what I wanted.

I looked through the step-by-step tutorial for Gatsby to get my feet wet. From there, there was a lot of Google-ing and drawing from experiences of other languages to fill in any missing gaps.

In terms of styling the page, Bootstrap was the ideal choice, as I used it previously with the Goodmark project.


In working on this porfolio, I learned about Gatsby, GraphQL, more JavaScript and more about state in React.




Changes Made Over Time

Initially, I overcomplicated the website by having separate pages for both art projects and code projects. I moved them over to the front index. In order to have the same function of having separate pages, I added a button group to filter based on project tags.

Another design choice that was changed, was initially the CV was below the hero container instead of the projects. This created an extremely boring front page as it was quite a bit of text.

To Do

  • Font choices